User-agent: YandexBot Disallow: * User-agent: Yandex Bot Disallow: * User-agent: Yandex Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by empty user agent string) Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by 'crawl') Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by 'bot' followed by a space or one of the following characters _+:,.;/\-) Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by 'discovery') Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by hit on 'robots.txt') Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by 'bot' preceded by a space or one of the following characters _+:,.;/\-) Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by 'spider') Disallow: * User-agent: Unknown robot (identified by 'robot') Disallow: * User-agent: FaceBook bot Disallow: / User-agent: bingbot Disallow: * User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: * User-agent: Mail.RU Disallow: * User-agent: Mail.RU_Bot Disallow: * User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: * User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: * User-agent: SemrushBot Disallow: * User-agent: Yahoo Slurp Disallow: * User-agent: crawl-delay Disallow: * User-agent: Slurp Disallow: * User-agent: bot Disallow: * User-agent: twitterbot Disallow: * User-agent: fido Disallow: * User-agent: Sunrise Disallow: * User-agent: simplepie Disallow: * User-agent: FavIconizer Disallow: * User-agent: CFNetwork Disallow: * User-agent: StackRambler Disallow: * User-agent: Phantom Disallow: * User-agent: butterfly Disallow: * User-agent: Python-urllib Disallow: * User-agent: BaiDuSpider Disallow: * User-agent: WebFilter Disallow: * User-agent: TITAN Disallow: * User-agent: Java (Often spam bot) Disallow: * User-agent: Zeus Webster Pro Disallow: * User-agent: ComputingSite Robi/1.0 Disallow: * User-agent: spider Disallow: * User-agent: Motor Disallow: * User-agent: ning Disallow: * User-agent: Additional Yahoo bots. Disallow: * User-agent: 360spider Disallow: * User-agent: WGet tools Disallow: * User-agent: Common *nix tool for automating web document retireval. Most likely a bot. Disallow: * User-agent: Site Explorer Disallow: * User-agent: Grapeshot Crawler Disallow: * User-agent: A PHP script Disallow: * User-agent: Feedburner Disallow: * User-agent: Nutch Disallow: * User-agent: Proximic Spider Disallow: * User-agent: SEOkicks Webcrawler Disallow: * User-agent: Exabot Disallow: * User-agent: Dataprovider Site Explorer Disallow: * User-agent: ips-agent Verisign(?) - no reliable information found. Disallow: * User-agent: Sift Disallow: * User-agent: HTMLParser Disallow: * User-agent: Linkdex Disallow: * User-agent: Powermarks Disallow: * User-agent: Jakarta commons-httpclient Disallow: * User-agent: SurveyBot Disallow: * User-agent: oBot Disallow: * User-agent: XYLEME Robot Disallow: * User-agent: Proximic Spider Disallow: * User-agent: SEOkicks Webcrawler Disallow: * User-agent: microsoft-webdav-miniredir Disallow: * User-agent: bloglovin Disallow: * User-agent: Netcraft Disallow: * User-agent: ichiro Disallow: * User-agent: NG 1.x (Exalead) Disallow: * User-agent: regator Disallow: * User-agent: MSIECrawler Disallow: * User-agent: Sogou Spider Disallow: * User-agent: BLEXBot Disallow: * User-Agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Allow: /o-firme/ Sitemap: